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30. MT4 Mobil Versiyonuna Giriş

MT4 is one of the most preferred platforms for forex brokers. With the popularity of smart phones, whether iOS or Android, investors can download MT4’s mobile app, which allows them to receive market quotes and place trading orders.

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29. MT4 (Metatrader 4) Nedir?

MetaQuotes Software Corp, a world-renowned forex trading Software development company, launched MetaTrader4(MT4) in July 2005. Only two months after the launch, MT4 has become the mainstream platform in the forex market. Due to its stable and high-quality performance, MT4 is widely recognized as the most widely used trading software in the world, occupying more than 90% of the forex and Contract For Difference (CFD) market at one time.

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28. Stop Loss ve Take Profit Nedir?

Stop loss refers to the situation that the investors choose to close their positions when the loss has reached a preset amount or has reached a specific price level.

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26. Uzun ve Kısa Ticari Pozisyonlar Nelerdir? 

Finansal piyasalarda, hisse senedi ticareti gibi, yatırımcıların “tek yönlü” ticaret ilkelerini anlamaları, “düşük satın alma ve yüksek satış yapma” ilkelerini takip etmelerinin veya karların yalnızca fiyatlar yükseldiğinde elde edilebileceğine inanmanın yaygın bir durum olmadığı söylenebiliyor.

Ancak ön alım satım özelliklerinden biri, iki yönde işlem yapabilmektir.

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25. Slipaj nedir?

Slippage refers to the situation in the trade where the difference occurs between the expected price and the actual executed price, no matter it is a market order, a take-profit order, a stop loss order or any entry order.

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24. Spread’ler neden bazen genişler veya daralır?

“Spread” refers to the difference between the bid and ask price of a currency pair in forex trading. The widening or narrowing of the spread is directly related to the cost of investors in the trades. This cost is not paid directly, but is hidden and latent. When the spread is wide, investors may not be able to buy or sell at the best market price regardless of whether they enter or leave the market. In other words, it is a cost that affects the room of profit of investors.

eur usd money

23. Pip değeri nedir?

Once you’ve looked at the idea of “pip” in forex trading, you should also pay attention to the value of each pip, so-called pip value. Because forex trading involves different currency pairs, investors will find that the profit and loss for each pip of some currency pairs are different from those of others. Therefore, it is necessary for investors to calculate the actual profit and loss per pip more accurately before the trade order placing, in order to avoid strategies mistaken.

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22. Spread ve Pip Nedir?

In the forex market, the smallest unit used to quantify the movement in the currency quote is called “a pip”, and the difference between the bid-ask prices is called “spread”.